Concerns regarding Implementation of OROP
Persistence of Existing Anomalies
itself will not solve or set at rest all the pending issues which need to be
first sorted out before formulating the modalities of implementing OROP.
Otherwise, the existing anomalies and inconsistencies would not only persist
but also be carried forwarded and incorporated in OROP, thus vitiating the
proper adoption of OROP in true spirit.”
of OROP.
(a) The concept of OROP needs to be well
defined and properly understood. Simply stated, OROP means that a person who
retired prior to 01-01-2006 should get the same pension as a person of the same
rank retiring after 01-01-2006 based on common parameters for fixing the
pension. In the application of VI CPC, different parameters were used for pre
and post 2006 retirees. The pension for all pre 2006 retirees was based on the
minimum of the pay in the scale for the rank (as corrected by the Govt letter
of 17-01-20013). For post 2006 retirees the basis was the last pay drawn which
would be different for different individuals depending on the length of service
in the last rank held. “
“(b) If the post 2006 set of parameters were
to be applied to pre 2006 retirees, complete data on the total length of
service and service in the last rank held need to be collected and the pension
re-fixed for each individual. This would be a laborious and time consuming
process besides data being unavailable particularly in the case of pre
1986/1996 retirees. If the pre-2006 parameters were to be adopted for all, the
benefit, if any, of length of service in the last rank held presently enjoyed
by post 2006 retirees would be lost.”
“(c) At least three different sets of
common parameters have been suggested. One such suggestion is to adopt the
maximum pay in the pay scale for the rank as the basis of fixing the pension
with a provision for pro rata deductions for shortages, if any, in the minimum
qualifying service. This is the most acceptable, practical, easily
implementable and least cumbersome and time consuming solution which will
satisfy all categories of veterans. It may be mentioned that most, if not all,
veterans would have become entitled to pay at the top end or at least beyond
the mid-point of the scale for the rank while in service. The extra benefit
that may accrue to a very small number of veterans who may not have drawn any
increment in the pay scale while in service should not be grudged.”
The constitution of VII CPC without any
meaningful representation in it from the services has been announced. If the
pending issues flowing from the anomalies and inconsistencies relating to IV, V
And VI CPC s are not resolved urgently and OROP is also implemented as
envisaged with effect from April this year, VII CPC may start functioning under
the burden of incomplete, carried over and inconsistent terms of reference
resulting in a spate of fresh anomalies in its final report.”
Action Required
Clear and unambiguous instructions should be
issued on the implementation of the decision on OROP. Points mentioned above
should be kept in view while doing so.”
Courtesy-: AVM(Retd) S Krishnaswamy